Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols of Jesus in the Bible
by agapegeek
This is Part 1 in a series of reference documents about the multiple Names, Titles, Descriptions and Symbols of named Spiritual Individuals in the Bible. This document will focus only on the subject verses concerning Jesus found in the Bible. It is not designed to teach anything other than give you a place to search from to find references to Jesus in the Bible. This is a living document of references and it will change and be updated as I am led to additional scriptures. A Name is a direct reference to the individual. A Title is a given direct identifying appellation signifying status or function. A Description is something that represents the individual in expressive words. A Type is a real named person, place or thing that can be viewed to apply to a pattern of the spiritual individual not directly named. A Symbol is a natural object that describes the characteristics or features of a spiritual being that you cannot see or understand without first understanding the symbol. Here is what Jesus said to us about himself:
Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
We know from what Jesus just said that the Bible is primarily about him, but you cannot find him directly named until the Gospels. However he was indirectly mentioned in almost every chapter of the Old Testament. I will give you a list of my references to Jesus in the Bible and if you have others that I have not found yet, please let me know about them.
Name, Title, Symbol, Type for Jesus |
Description |
Scripture Reference |
Abel | Brother (a type of Christ) killed by Cain a type of Satan a murderer from the beginning | Genesis 4:2; |
Abraham | Covenant Man of God a type of Jesus Christ | Gen 12-20; |
Adam | A type of Jesus Christ; Gen 2:24 A man who leaves His Father to come to earth | Gen 2:; 1 Cor 15:45; |
Adam, Last | Jesus referred to as the brother of Adam | 1Corinthians 15:45 |
Advocate | Jesus Our Lawyer | 1John 2:1 |
Alef and Tav, the | The first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet | Genesis 1:1 not in the English translation of the Bible only seen in the Hebrew |
Almighty | The Supreme Powerful One | Revelation 1:8 |
Alpha and Omega, the | The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, | Revelation 1:8 |
Amen | God’s Final Word | Revelation 3:14 |
Angel | God’s Messenger | Genesis 48:16; Exodus 23:20, 21 |
Angel of His Presence | God’s Savior | Isaiah 63:9 |
Anointed, His | God’s Anointed One | Psalms 2:2 |
Appointed | He that was Chosen By God | 1 Sam 2:35; Heb 3:2; |
Approved of God | He that Has God’s Favor | Acts 2:22; |
Apostle, the | God’s Sent One | Hebrews 3:1 |
Arm of the Lord | God’s Powerful One, The One at the Right Hand | Isaiah 51:9, 10 |
Author and Finisher of our faith | God’s Inscriber of Faith | Hebrews 12:2 |
Author of Life, the | Translated as Prince of Life in KJV | Acts 3:15 |
Beginning and end of the creation of God | The Initiator and the Completion of all things made | Revelation 3:14; 22:13 |
Beginning, The | Christ the Firstborn from the dead | Col 1:18; |
Beloved | The One Loved By God | Ephesians 1:6 |
Beloved Son | Son Loved by God | Matthew 3:17 |
Bishop of Our Soul | Superintendent/Overseer of our Mind | 1 Peter 2:25 |
Blessed and only Potentate | God’s happy Ruler of the Day | 1Timothy 6:15 |
Boaz | A Type of Christ the Kinsman Redeemer | Book of Ruth |
Branch, Righteous | God’s Seed that Sprouts Righteousness | Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 3:8 |
Branch, The | The sprouting life of God | Zechariah 3:8 |
Bread of God | The spiritual food of God | John 6:33; |
Bread of life | God’s Spiritual Food | John 6:35, 6:48 |
Brethren | The natural man of Israel | Acts 3:22; |
Bridegroom | Jesus the Husband to the Church | Psalm 19:5; Matthew 9:15, Mark 2:19, Luke 5:34, John 3:29 |
Bright Morning Star | Reference to Jesus Being the Sun, The Spiritual Light of the World | Revelation 22:16 |
Brightness of the Father’s glory | God’s Sun Light Manifested | Hebrews 1:3 |
Called of God | Jesus the Answer | Hebrews 5:10; |
Captain of the Lord’s host | Leader of the Army of God | Joshua 5:14 |
Captain of Salvation | God’s Deliverer | Hebrews 2:10 |
Carpenter | God’s Builder of a Spiritual House | Mark 6:3 |
Carpenter’s son | The Assumed Son of Joseph | Matthew 13:55 |
Chief Shepherd | The Head of the Church | 1Peter 5:4 |
Chief Cornerstone | The Stone the Builders Rejected, The First Stone in the New Jerusalem | Ephesian 2:20; 1Peter 2:6 |
Chiefest among ten thousand | The Chosen One of Israel | Song of Songs 5:10 |
Child | The Son of God and the Son of Man | Isaiah 9:6; Hosea 11:1; Luke 2:27, 43 |
Chosen of God | The One Selected By God | 1Peter 2:4 |
Christ | God’s Anointed One | Matthew 1:16; Luke 9:20; Acts 2:36; Heb 3:6 |
Christ, The (Messiah) | God’s Anointed One | Matthew 16:20; Mark 14:61 |
Christ a King | The Anointed King of Kings | Luke 23:2 |
Christ Jesus | The Anointed Savior Jesus | Acts 19:4; Romans 3:24; 8:1; 1Corinthians 1:2, 30; Hebrews 3:1; 1Peter 5:10, 14 |
Christ Jesus our Lord | Jesus the Anointed Supreme One | 1Timothy 1:12; Romans 8:39 |
Christ of God | Acts 10:38 Says God Anointed Jesus of Nazareth | Luke 9:20 |
Christ, the chosen of God | God’s Chosen Anointed One | Luke 23:35 |
Christ the Lord | Anointed Supreme One | Luke 2:11 |
Christ, the power of God | The Word Of God | 1Corinthians 1:24 |
Christ the wisdom of God | God’s Application of His Understanding and Knowledge | 1Corinthians 1:24 |
Christ, the Son of God | The Anointed Son of God | Acts 9:20 |
Christ, Son of the Blessed | The Blessed Anointed Son | Mark 14:61 |
Commander | God’s Chief Ruler, Prince | Isaiah 55:4 |
Consolation of Israel | The One that Calls Israel to Good | Luke 2:25 |
Cornerstone | The Stone the Builders Rejected, The First Stone in the New Jerusalem | Ephesians 2:20 |
Counselor | The Giver of Advice | Isaiah 9:6 |
Covenant of the people | The Divider of the People | Isaiah 42:6 |
David Their King | Jesus the Seed of David | 2 Chron 6:6; Jeremiah 30:9 |
Daysman | Jesus Our Attorney, Lawyer, Legal Representative | Job 9:33 |
Dayspring From on High | Jesus the Sun or Righteousness, The Dawn of a New Day, The Rise of a New Light | Luke 1:78 |
Day Star | Jesus the Sun Light of a New Day in our Hearts | 2Peter 1:19 |
Deliverer | Savior and Redeemer | Psalm 18:2; Romans 11:26 |
Desire of all nations | That Which Everyone Seeks | Haggai 2:7 |
Door, the | The ONLY legal access to God | John 10:9 |
Door of the sheep, the | The ONLY Access to God | John 10:7 |
Elect | Chosen One | Isaiah 42:1 |
Emmanuel (Immanuel) | God With Us | Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23 |
Ensign | God’s Signal/Sign to Man | Isaiah 11:10 |
Eternal Life | Our ONLY Way to Know God | 1John 5:20 |
Everlasting Father | The Eternal Father | Isaiah 9:6 |
Faithful | He who is trustworthy | Isa 49:7; Heb 3:2; |
Faithful and True | The Dependable Truth | Revelation 19:11; |
Faithful Priest | The True High Priest of God | 1 Samuel 2:35; |
Faithful Witness, the | The Testimony of Truth | Revelation 1:5 |
Faithful and true witness, the | The Testimony of Truth | Revelation 3:14 |
Father to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem | Jesus the Everlasting Father | Isaiah 22:21; |
Finisher of faith | He Who Brings Our Faith to a Completion | Hebrews 12:2 |
Fire, A | A Light of Israel; | Isa 10:17; |
First and last | The Beginning and End of all things | Isa 44:6, 48:12; Revelation 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 |
First begotten | Jesus the First Born Again from the Dead | Hebrews 1:6 |
First begotten of the dead | Jesus the First Born Again from the Dead | Revelation 1:5 |
Firstborn | Jesus the First Born Again from the Dead | Psalms 89:27 |
Firstborn from the dead | Christ the Heir of God | Col 1:18; |
Flame, A | The Fire of God | Isa 10:17; |
Foundation | The Spiritual Building Block of the New Jerusalem | Isaiah 28:16 |
Foundation, Sure | Indestructible Rock | Isaiah 28:16 |
Fountain | God’s Supply of Living Water | Zechariah 13:1 |
Forerunner | He Who Goes First, The Trail Blazer | Hebrews 6:20 |
Fourth, the | The 4th man in the Fire | Daniel 3:25 |
Friend of sinners | My Friend Jesus | Matthew 11:19 |
Gift of God | God’s Present to Man | John 4:10 |
Glory of Israel | The Best of Israel | Luke 2:32 |
God | Supreme Deity | John 1:1 |
God blessed forever | The Eternally Happy Supreme Deity | Romans 9:5 |
God manifest in the flesh | Emanuel God in a Physical Body | 1Timothy 3:16 |
God of Israel, the Savior | The Supreme Deity that has Saved Israel | Isaiah 45:15 |
God of the whole earth | The Omnipresent Supreme Deity | Isaiah 54:5 |
God our Savior
The Supreme Deity that has Saved Us | 1Timothy 2:3 |
God’s dear Son | Jesus the Son Loved By God | Colossians 1:13 |
God with us | Emanuel God in Person | Matthew 1:23 |
Good | Opposed to Evil | Matthew 20:15; |
Good Master | The Sinless Lord | Matthew 19:16 |
Good Shepherd | Leader of the sheep | John 10:11, 14; |
Governor | Supreme Leader | Matthew 2:6 |
Great Light | Jesus the Sun of Righteousness arisen in our hearts | Matthew 4:16; |
Great Shepherd of the sheep
Head of the Church | Hebrews 13:20
Greater Light, the | Jesus The Sun of Righteousness, Ruler of The Day | Genesis 1:16 |
He that shall have dominion | The Ruler of Heaven and Earth | Numbers 24:19 |
Head | Chief of the Body | Col 2:19 |
Head of All Principality and Power | Supreme and Preeminent Spiritual Ruler | Col 2:10 |
Head of the Body | The Husband to the Church | Col 1:18; |
Head of the Corner | New Jerusalem Cornerstone | Matthew 21:42; 1 Peter 2:7 |
Head of the ekklesia (body) | Leader of the Church | Ephesians 1:22, 23; 5:23; Colossians 1:18, 24 |
Heir of all things | The Inheritor of the Kingdom of God | Hebrews 1:2 |
High priest | God’s Eternal High Priest | Hebrews 3:1, 4:14, 7:26, 8:1, 9:11; |
Head of every man | Chief Among Men | 1Corinthians 11:3 |
Head of the corner | The Corner Stone in the New Jerusalem | Matthew 21:42; Acts 4:11 |
Holy | Morally Blameless | Isa 57:15 |
Holy child | Morally Blameless Son | Acts 4:30 |
Holy One | The Chosen Blameless Man | Psalms 16:10; Isa 10:17; Acts 3:14, 13:35; 1 John 2:20; |
Holy one of God | God Sent Blameless Man | Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34; |
Holy one of Israel, the | Blameless Man from Israel | Isaiah 41:14; 47:4; 54:5 |
Holy thing | Our Example of Blamelessness | Luke 1:35 |
Hope (our) | Our Great Expectation | 1Timothy 1:1 |
Horn of salvation | The King that Saved Us | Luke 1:69 |
Husband, One | The New Covenant Maker | 2 Cor 11:2 |
Husband, Thine | The One we Covenant With | Isaiah 54:5 |
I AM | Our Everything We Need, the ALL Encompassing One | John 8:58 |
Image of God | The Restored Likeness of the Supreme God | Hebrews 1:3 |
Israel | The Head of God’s Spiritual Nation of People | Isaiah 41:8; Isaiah 49:3; Hosea 11:1 |
Isaac | A type of Christ, God’s only begotten Son | Genesis 1:17; Genesis 21:10; Genesis 22:2 |
Jacob | Type of Jesus, The Spiritual Head of the spiritual house of Israel; He will Rule as God | Genesis 32:28; Isaiah 41:8; Malachi 1:2-3; Romans 9:13 |
Jacob my Servant | Faithful to God’s service | Isaiah 44:2; |
Jehovah | The Most High God | Isaiah 40:3 |
Jehovah’s fellow | Son of the Most High God | Zechariah 13:7 |
Jeshurun | Upright One, Chosen of God | Isa 44:2; |
Jesus | Our Spiritual Leader and Savior Joshua/Yeshua/ Jehoshua | Matthew 1:21; Used in over 600 verses in the N.T. for the name of God. |
Jesus Christ | The Spiritually Anointed (Messiah) Joshua | Matthew 1:1; John 1:17; 17:3; Acts 2:38; 4:10; 9:34; 10:36; Romans 1:1, 16:18; 3, 6; 2:16; 5:15, 17; 6:3; 1Corinthians 1:1, 4; 2:2; 2Corinthians 1:19; 4:6; 13:5; Galatians 2:16; Philippians 1:8; 2:11; 1Timothy 1:15; Hebrews 13:8; 1John 1:7; 2:1 |
Jesus Christ our Lord | Spiritually Supreme Anointed Leader | Romans 1:3; 6:11, 23; 1Corinthians 1:9; 7:25 |
Jesus Christ our Savior | The Anointed Leader who Saved Us | Titus 3:6 |
Jesus of Nazareth | Jesus the Natural Man/the Nazarene | Mark 1:24; Luke 24:19 |
Jesus (of Nazareth), King of the Jews | Spiritual Leader of the Spiritual Jews | John 19:19; Matthew 27:37 |
Jesus, the Son of God | The Son of the Most High Deity who is our Leader | Hebrews 4:14 |
Jesus, the Son of Joseph | The Presumed son of Joseph | John 6:42 |
Joint Heir | Co-Inheritor | Romans 8:17 |
Joseph | A Fruitful Bough; A type of the coming deliverer | Gen 49:22 |
Joshua | Leader into the Promise Land a type of Jesus | Joshua; Zechariah 3:8 |
Judge | Supreme Lawyer of Justice | Acts 10:42 |
Just man, Just person, Just One | Righteous Individual; Blameless Individual | Matthew 27:19, 24; Acts 3:14; 7:52; 22:14 |
Justification, Our | Him who Justified Us | Romans 4:25; |
King | Supreme Ruler | Isa 43:15; Matthew 21:5 |
King Eternal | Everlasting Ruler | 1 Tim 1:17; |
King of Israel | Supreme Ruler of Spiritual Nation of Israel | John 1:49 |
King of the Jews | Supreme Ruler of the Spiritual Jews | Matthew 2:2 |
King of Saints | Supreme Ruler of Spiritual Nation of Israel (the Church) | Revelation 15:3 |
King of Kings | Supreme Ruler of the Church (New Jerusalem) | 1Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14 |
King of Glory | Supreme Deity Ruler | Psalms 24:7-10 |
King of Saints | The Ruler over the rulers | Rev 15:3 |
King of Zion | Supreme Ruler of the Daughter of ZION (Church) | Matthew 21:5 |
King over all the earth | Supreme Ruler of the planet | Zechariah 14:9 |
Lamb | God’s Sacrifice for the Sin of humanity | Revelation 5:6, 8; 7:9, 6:16; 10, 17; 12:11; 13:8, 11; 14:1, 4; 15:3; 17:14; 21:9, 14, 22, 19:7, 9; 23, 27 |
Lamb of God | God’s Sacrifice for the Sin of humanity | John 1:29 |
Lamb that was slain | God’s Sacrifice for the Sin of humanity | Rev 5:12; |
Lawgiver | God’s Scribe of Justice | Isaiah 33:22 |
Leader | Military Commander | Isaiah 55:4 |
Life, the | Our Source of Being | John 14:6 |
Light | Jesus our internal Spiritual Sun | Mat 4:16; John 8:12 |
Light, everlasting | Jesus our Spiritual Eternal Sun | Isaiah 60:19-20’ |
Light of Israel | The Rising Sun of Spiritual Israel | Isa 10:17; |
Light of the world | Jesus our Spiritual Sun who shines out of darkness | John 8:12, 9:5 |
Light to the Gentiles | Jesus our Spiritual Sun who lights the way to God for every nation | Isaiah 42:6, 49:6; |
Light, True | Jesus our Spiritual Sun and Source of Truth | John 1:9 |
Lion of the tribe of Judah | Spiritual Ruler of the spiritual Jews (church) | Revelation 5:5 |
Living Bread, the | The Word of Life | John 6:51 |
Living God | The God of Eternal Life | 1 Tim 4:10; |
Living Stone | The Living Corner Building Block of the New Jerusalem | 1Pet 2:4; |
Lord | The One with Supreme Authority | Acts 2:36; Rom 1:3; |
Lord and Savior – Jesus Christ | Supreme Ruler Who Saves | 2Peter 1:11; 3:18 |
Lord Christ | The Anointed Supreme Ruler | Colossians 3:24 |
Lord From Heaven | God Who Came From Heaven | 1 Cor 15:47 |
Lord God Almighty | The All Powerful Supreme Deity Ruler | Revelation 15:3 |
Lord Jesus | Supreme Ruler Jesus | Luke 24:3; Acts 1:21; 4:33; 7:59; 8:16; 9:29; 11:20; 19:5,10,13,17; 20:24,35; 21:13; Rom. 10:9; 14:14; 1Co. 5:5; 6:11; 11:23; 2Co. 1:14; 4:10,14; Gal. 6:17; Eph. 1:15; Php. 2:19; Col. 3:17; 1Th. 2:15; 4:1,2; 2Th. 1:7; Phm. 1:5; Heb. 13:20; Rev. 22:20; |
Lord Jesus Christ | Anointed Supreme Ruler Jesus | Acts 11:17; 15:11,26; 16:31; 20:21; 28:31; Rom. 1:7; 5:1,11; 13:14; 15:6,30; 16:18,20,24; 1Co. 1:3,7,8,10; 5:4; 8:6; 15:57; 16:22,23; 2Co. 1:2,3; 8:9; 11:31; 13:14; Gal. 1:3; 6:14,18; Eph. 1:2,3,17; 3:14; 5:20; 6:23,24; Php. 1:2; 3:20; 4:23; Col. 1:2,3; 1Th. 1:1,3; 2:19; 3:11,13; 5:9,23,28; 2Th. 1:1,2,8,12; 2:1,14,16; 3:6,12,18; 1Ti. 1:1; 5:21; 6:3,14; 2Ti. 4:1,22; Tit. 1:4; Phm. 1:3,25; Jas. 1:1; 2:1; 1Pe. 1:3; 2Pe. 1:8,14,16; 2Jn. 1:3; Jude 1:4,17,21; Rev. 22:21; |
Lord Jesus Christ our Savior | Anointed Supreme Ruler Jesus Who Saves | Titus 1:4 |
Lord of all | Supreme Ruler of Everyone | Acts 10:36 |
Lord of glory | Supreme Ruler of God’s Splendor | James 2:1 |
Lord of Hosts (armies) | Supreme Ruler of the Army of God | Isaiah 44:6, 47:4; |
Lord of Lords | Supreme Ruler of rulers | 1 Tim 6:15; Rev 17:14; 19:16 |
Lord of the dead and living | Supreme Ruler of Everyone | Romans 14:9 |
Lord of the Sabbath | Supreme Ruler of the Day of Rest | Mat 12:8; Mark 2:28 |
Lord Our Righteousness, the | Supreme Ruler Who Makes Us Righteous | Jeremiah 23:6 |
Lord over all | Supreme Ruler of Everything | Romans 10:12 |
Lord, mighty in battle | Undefeatable Supreme Ruler | Psalms 24:8 |
Lord’s Christ | Supreme Ruler of the Anointing | Luke 2:26 |
Lord, strong and mighty | Undefeatable Supreme Ruler | Psalms 24:8 |
Lord, your holy one | The Blameless Supreme Ruler | Isaiah 43:15 |
Lord, your redeemer | The Supreme Ruler Who Has Purchased Us With His Blood | Isaiah 43:14 |
Maker, Thy | Our Creator | Isaiah 17:7, 54:5 |
Man, a | The Word of God became flesh (Adam) | Ezekiel 1:26 |
Man Christ – Jesus | The Anointed Son of God/Man | 1Timothy 2:5 |
Man of sorrows | Man of Pain | Isaiah 53:3 |
Master | Head of the House | Matthew 23:8; Eph 6:9 |
Master In Heaven | Head of the House of God | Col 4:1; |
Mediator, the only | Our Reconciler, God’s Go Between Us and Him | 1Timothy 2:5 |
Meek | The Humble God of all Power | Matthew 11:29; |
Melchisedec | The King and High Priest of Jerusalem a type of Jesus Christ | Hebrews 7:15; |
Messenger of the covenant | The Distributor of the News of Division | Malachi 3:1 |
Messiah | God’s Anointed | John 1:41 |
Messiah the Prince | The Anointed Ruler | Daniel 9:25 |
Mighty God | The Undefeatable Deity | Isaiah 9:6 |
Mighty one of Israel | The Undefeatable One of Israel | Isaiah 30:29 |
Mighty one of Jacob | The Undefeatable One of Jacob | Isaiah 49:26 |
Mighty to save | The Undefeatable Savior | Isaiah 63:1 |
Minister of the sanctuary | Our High Priest | Hebrews 8:2 |
Morning Star | Jesus Our Spiritual Sun who Rules the Day | Revelation 2:28 |
Moses | A Type of Christ the Deliverer; the Lawgiver; Faithful servant; | Acts 7:35; Heb 3:5; |
Most holy | Ultimate Blameless One | Daniel 9:24 |
Most mighty | Omnipotent One | Psalms 45:3 |
Nail, A | The Fastener of God | Isaiah 22:23 |
Nazarene | Set Apart Man | Matthew 2:23 |
Offspring of David | Descendant of David the King | Revelation 22:16 |
Only Begotten | The Only Physically Born Son of God | John 1:14; John 1:18; John 3:16; John 3:18; 1John 4:9 |
Only wise God, our Savior | The Unique Deity Possessor of Wisdom Who Saves | Jude 1:25 |
Passover, our | The Lamb of God | 1Corinthians 5:7 |
Plant of renown | God’s Seed of Righteousness | Ezekiel 34:29 |
Potentate | Supreme Ruler | 1Timothy 6:15 |
Power of God | The Word of God | 1Corinthians 1:24 |
Physician | Healer | Matthew 9:12 |
Precious Cornerstone | The Living Foundation for the New Jerusalem | Isaiah 28:16 |
Priest Forever | Eternal Blood Shedder that Lives Eternally | Hebrews 7:17; Hebrews 7:21 |
Prince | Supreme Ruler | Acts 5:31 |
Prince of Life | Supreme Ruler and Giver of Life | Acts 3:15 |
Prince of Peace | Supreme Ruler and Restorer of Tranquility | Isaiah 9:6 |
Prince of the kings of the earth | Supreme Ruler of the rulers of the earth | Revelation 1:5 |
Prince of the princes | Supreme Ruler of the rulers of the earth. | Daniel 8:25; |
Prophet | The Anointed One Who Prophecies | Deuteronomy 18:15, 18; Matthew 21:11; Luke 24:19; Acts 3:22; |
Propitiation (expiation, our Sin-offering) | The Lamb of God | 1John 2:2 |
Rabbi, Rabboni | Teacher | John 1:49; 20:16 |
Ransom | The Price Paid For Our Freedom | 1Timothy 2:6 |
Redemption | He Who Purchased Us Back | 1Corinthians 1:30 |
Redeemer | Purchaser of our field | Isaiah 59.20 |
Redeemer of Israel | He who ransomed spiritual Israel with His blood | Isa 49:7; |
Redeemer, Thy | He Who Purchased Us Back | Isaiah 41:14, 54:5 |
Resurrection and the Life, the | Raised Back From Death to Life | John 11:25 |
Redemption | He Who Purchased Us Back | 1Corinthians 1:30 |
Righteous Branch | God’s Sprouting Seed of Righteousness | Jeremiah 23:5 |
Righteous Judge | He Who Judges Fairly | 2Timothy 4:8 |
Righteous Servant | Lawful Just Worker | Isaiah 53:11 |
Righteousness | Our Justification | 1 Corinthians 1:30 |
Rock, The | Cornerstone of Salvation | Deu 32:15 |
Rock, Spiritual | Supernatural Stone | 1Corinthians 10:4 |
Rock of Offence | The Stone that Offends | Isaiah 8:14; 1Peter 2:8 |
Root of David | The Source of Life for David | Revelation 5:5; 22:16 |
Root of Jesse | The Source of Life for Jesse | Isaiah 11:10; Romans 15:12 |
Rose of Sharon | God’s Fragrant Flower | Song of Songs 2:1 |
Ruler in Israel | King of the Jews | Micah 5:2 |
Salvation | The One that Saves | Luke 2:30 |
Salvation, My | He who Saved Us | Isa 49:6; |
Sanctification | He Who is Set Apart | 1Corinthians 1:30 |
Sanctuary | Our Holy of Holies | Isaiah 8:14 |
Savior | The One that Saved Us! | Luke 1:47, 2:11; John 4:14; Acts 5:31, 13:23; Php 3:20; 1 Ti 1:1, 2:3, 4:10; 2 Tim 1:10; Titus 1:3-4, 2:10, 2:13, 3:4, 3:6; 2 Pet 1:1, 3:2; Jud 1:25; |
Savior Jesus Christ | The One that Saves Jesus the Anointed | 2Timothy 1:10; Titus 2:13; 2Pet 1:1, 2:20, 3:18; |
Savior of the body (ekklesia) | The One that Saved the Church | Ephesians 5:23 |
Savior of the world | The Only Hope For Those in Darkness | Jn 4:4; 1Jn 4:14 |
Sceptre | The Living Rod of God | Numbers 24:17 |
Second Man, the | The Brother of Adam | 1Corinthians 15:47 |
Seed, the | The Seed of God | Galatians 3:19 |
Seed of Abraham | He Who Was In Abraham | Hebrews 2:16 |
Seed of David | He Who Was In David | 2Timothy 2:8 |
Servant | He who serves others | Isaiah 42:1, 49:6; |
Servant of rulers | He who washes the feet of others | Isaiah 49:7 |
Shepherd | The Overseer of the Flock | Gen 49:24; Psalm 23:1; Mark 14:27 |
Shepherd and Overseer of souls | He Who Watches Over the Mind and Thoughts of Man | 1Peter 2:25 |
Shepherd, Chief | The Overseer of the overseers | 1Peter 5:4 |
Shepherd, Good | The Blameless Overseer | John 10:11 |
Shepherd, Great | The Omnipotent Overseer | Hebrews 13:20 |
Shepherd of Israel | The Overseer of God’s Israel the church | Psalms 80:1 |
Shepherd, One | The only one that feeds us | John 10:16 |
Shiloh | He Who Prospers | Genesis 49:10 |
Solomon | Son of David the Builder of God’s Temple; a type of Christ | 1 Chron 28:9; 1 Chron 29:19; |
Son | The Son of God | Mat 28:19; John 3:17; John 3:35-36; John 5:19-26; John 6:40; John 14:13; John 17:1; Rom 1:3; Rom 1:9; Rom 5:10; Rom 8:3; 1 Cor 15:28; Gal 1:16; Gal 4:4; 1 Th 1:10; Heb 1:2; Heb 3:6; Heb 5:5; Heb 7:28; 1Jn 1:7; 1 Jn 2:23-24; 1 Jn 4:10; 1 Jn 4:14; 1 Jn 5:9; 1 Jn 5:11-13; 2 Jn 1:3; |
Son, Beloved | Son Loved By God | Mat 3:17; 2 Pe 1:17; |
Son, dear | Loved Son of God | Col 1:13; |
Son, My | The Son of God | Hosea 11:1 |
Son, Only Begotten | The Only Naturally born Son of God | John 3:16; |
Son Jesus Christ | The evidence that Jesus the Son was Messiah | 1 Cor 1:9; 1 Jn 1:3; |
Son of God | He Who Was Born From God | Daniel 3:25; Mat 4:3; Mat 4:6; Mat 8:29; Mat 14:33; Mat 26:63; Mat 27:40; Mat 27:43; Mat 27:54; Mar 1:1; Mar 3:11; Mar 15:39; Luk 1:35; Luk 4:3; Luk 4:9; Luk 4:41; Luk 8:28; Luk 22:70; Joh 1:34; Joh 1:49; Joh 3:18; Joh 5:25; Joh 9:35; Joh 10:36; Joh 11:4; Joh 11:27; Joh 19:7; Joh 20:31; Act 8:37; Act 9:20; Rom 1:4; 2Co 1:19; Gal 2:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 4:14; Heb 6:6; Heb 7:3; Heb 10:29; 1Jn 3:8; 1Jn 4:15; 1Jn 5:5; 1Jn 5:10; 1Jn 5:12; 1Jn 5:13; 1Jn 5:20; Rev 2:18; |
Son of Man | He Who was born of a natural woman a Son of Adam | Mat 8:20; Mat 9:6; Mat 10:23; Mat 11:19; Mat 12:8; Mat 12:32; Mat 12:40; Mat 13:37; Mat 13:41; Mat 16:13; Mat 16:27; Mat 16:28; Mat 17:9; Mat 17:12; Mat 17:22; Mat 18:11; Mat 19:28; Mat 20:18; Mat 20:28; Mat 24:27; Mat 24:30; Mat 24:37; Mat 24:39; Mat 24:44; Mat 25:13; Mat 25:31; Mat 26:2; Mat 26:24; Mat 26:45; Mat 26:64; Mar 2:10; Mar 2:28; Mar 8:31; Mar 8:38; Mar 9:9; Mar 9:12; Mar 9:31; Mar 10:33; Mar 10:45; Mar 13:26; Mar 13:34; Mar 14:21; Mar 14:41; Mar 14:62; Luk 5:24; Luk 6:5; Luk 6:22; Luk 7:34; Luk 9:22; Luk 9:26; Luk 9:44; Luk 9:56; Luk 9:58; Luk 11:30; Luk 12:8; Luk 12:10; Luk 12:40; Luk 17:22; Luk 17:24; Luk 17:26; Luk 17:30; Luk 18:8; Luk 18:31; Luk 19:10; Luk 21:27; Luk 21:36; Luk 22:22; Luk 22:48; Luk 22:69; Luk 24:7; Joh 1:51; Joh 3:13; Joh 3:14; Joh 5:27; Joh 6:27; Joh 6:53; Joh 6:62; Joh 8:28; Joh 12:23; Joh 12:34; Joh 13:31; Act 7:56; Rev 1:13; Rev 14:14; |
Son of the Father | The Son of the First part of the Trinity | 2John 1:3 |
Son of the Blessed One (God) | Son of the Happy One | Mark 14:61 |
Son of the Highest One (God) | Son of the Omnipotent One | Luke 1:32 |
Son of David | He Who is Born from David | Matthew 9:27 |
Star out of Jacob | The Messenger from Jacob, the Sun of Righteousness | Numbers 24:17 |
Stone, Tried | The Foundation of the New Jerusalem | Isaiah 28:167; |
Stone, the | God’s Cornerstone of the New Jerusalem | Psalm 118:22; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 2017; Acts 4:11 |
Stone of Israel, The | The Spiritual Cornerstone of Israel | Gen 49:24; |
Sun, the | The Sun that Rules the Day | Psalm 19:4, 84:11,136:8; Matthew 17:2; Rev 1:16; |
Sun of Righteousness | The Sun that Shines Righteousness | Malachi 4:2 |
Surety (Guarantee) | He Who is Trustworthy | Hebrews 7:22 |
Stone of Stumbling | The Building Block Rejected by the Builders | Isaiah 8:14; 1Peter 2:8 |
Sure Foundation | He Who is Trustworthy and Strong | Isaiah 28:16 |
Teacher | The Knowledge Giver | John 3:2 |
True God | The Opposite of the false god | 1John 5:20 |
True Vine | The Real Source of Life | John 15:1 |
Truth, the | He who is Faithful and True | John 14:6 |
Unspeakable Gift | The Indescribable Present | 2Corinthians 9:15 |
Very Christ | Unlimited Anointing | Acts 9:22 |
Vine, the | The Source of Life to the branches | John 15:1-5; |
Way, the | The Only Path to God | John 14:6 |
Which is, which was, which is to come | The Eternal One God | Revelation 1:4 |
Wisdom | The Application of Knowledge and Understanding | Proverbs 8:12 |
Wisdom of God, the | The manifestation of God’s knowledge and understanding | 1Corinthians 1:24 |
Witness | He Whose Testimony is True | Isaiah 55:4; Revelation 1:5; |
Witness, Faithful | He Whose Testimony you can count on | Revelation 3:14; |
Witness, True | He Whose Testimony is True | Revelation 3:14; |
Wonderful | The One Beyond Compare | Isaiah 9:6 |
Word, The | God’s Power | John 1:1; John 1:14; 1 John 5:7 |
Word of God | The Power of the Omnipotent Deity | Revelation 19:13 |
Word of Life | God’s Power to make Alive | 1John 1:1 |
Worthy | Jesus the Highest | Heb 3:3; Jas 2:7; Rev 4:11, 5:9, 5;12 |
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