Allow God to light a fire in your life!
I want to thank all those who have been used by God to help and bless me
along the way. I believe your reward will be great in Heaven, as well as
here on earth. I thank God for the entire families that I have seen
change. We can’t take anything with us when we exit this planet, but we
can send our treasure (people) on ahead. God is eternal and so are we.
We will dwell somewhere forever. Realizing this, I’ve dedicated my life
to God and to people and so should you. The result will be a joyful,
fulfilled, grateful life as you walk with your God — Adonai — Lord of
I have written this book as a result of a need that I encountered not
long after I committed my life to the Lord forty years ago. At this
point, I have seen several thousand people give their lives to the Lord.
When the greatest thing that has ever happened to you takes place, you
want everyone to have it.
When you develop a relationship with the God who is love, Adonai, El
Shaddai, or God our Father, you will want to live with Him forever.
Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiash, is the door to the Father. We ask for
His forgiveness and put our faith in the fact that He is God in the
flesh. He conquered death, hell — the grave, sin, and Satan in our
place. This is why we can be victorious over all things. It is an
exchange that He made when He died and rose from the dead for us.
As I began to take time daily to thank, praise, sing, communicate, listen,
commune, and read the Word with the Lord, I started to enjoy Him, and
find pleasure in Him because of who He is. I began to know Him. I began
to develop an intimate relationship with Him. I began to pray, “Teach me
to know your voice.” When you have someone you spend time with and
develop a relationship with, you will know his or her voice.
God speaks to our spirit because He is a Spirit — the Holy Spirit [John
4:23-24]. This life is about a relationship with the God who made us. We
are a spirit and a soul and we live in a body (“earth suit”) [I
Thessalonians 5:23]. When our earth suit wears out or gets damaged so
that it doesn’t function any longer, our body will go into the ground
from which it came. However, our soul (mind, will, emotions) and our
spirit will return to God to live forever. Since God’s Holy Spirit
already indwells us, we will not die. We will be surprised that we are
not in our body. Death has been conquered by Jesus’ resurrection.
We will have a wonderful, fulfilled, rewarding purpose-filled life walking
with God and allowing Him to live through us! As a result, many other
lives will be blessed and changed. Jesus wants to live through you. We
are His body, mouth, hands, feet, etc. He wants to use you! Go out and
change your world. Take the road less traveled. We will be a house of
prayer for all nations as Jesus said we will be.
This book is dedicated to all those who are on a quest to know the living
God, to find their purpose, and to walk in their destiny. In doing so,
they will be changed to change their world and God will be glorified.
“The Kingdom will come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” [Matthew 6:10].
The Lord’s Servant and Friend,
Frances M. Clemmons
The House Built by Wisdom By France M. Clemmons
This foundational book is about the Holy Spirit equipping God’s people!
A digital file (PDF) of the book this is available for free to download
to teaching and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It will be
available also in Spanish coming later. You can contact Frances
Clemmons by email at for more information. You can download or print this file by clicking on the yellow link.
This book can be copied and distributed freely, but only under all of the following conditions:
It cannot be sold in any way, shape, or form. (B) All contents
(written text, images, poems, etc.) cannot be altered, removed, added
to, or modified in any way, shape, or form whatsoever. (C) All contents
remain the sole property of the copyright holder: Frances Marie